佐拉的網絡日誌 https://www.zuola.com/weblog You never know what you can do till you try. Wed, 09 Aug 2023 12:18:31 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 佐拉呼籲總統候選人和选民關心中國人權 https://www.zuola.com/weblog/2023/08/2525.htm https://www.zuola.com/weblog/2023/08/2525.htm#comments Wed, 09 Aug 2023 03:34:36 +0000 https://www.zuola.com/weblog/?p=2525 Continue Reading ...]]> 2023年8月10日星期四下午,台北市濟南路一段台大校友会馆,将有一场「呼籲總統候選人關心中國人權與民主」座談會,我佐拉想要爭取第一個發言機會。我寫好了演講稿,從漢人的抗爭歷史到現狀,到人權保護的國際意義,到對台灣的現實意義,我做了闡述。我現在徵求各位朋友的斧正,也征集連署,請你留言指正,或請留言連署支持。

漢人抗爭的歷史 History of Han Chinese Resistance


My name is Zola, born into a Han Chinese farmer family in Hunan, China. Like other agricultural ethnic groups, farming and education were our means of survival and growth, rather than relying on oppressing or plundering other races for survival and development.


With the convenience of the international internet, I gradually came to understand why the “Yue Bandits” referred to by Zeng Guofan were later renamed by the subsequent government of the Republic of China as the “Taiping Army.” For centuries, Han Chinese people endured ethnic oppression and discrimination under the rule of the Manchu people. In their resilient resistance to preserve their hair as a symbol of their identity, they were unjustly labeled as “Yue Bandits” by the powerful authorities.


After the failure of the Taiping Rebellion, a series of social movements emerged with the aim of advocating for the Han Chinese people’s struggle to establish a nation where democracy and freedom would be enjoyed by the people.

Sun Yat-sen advocated the slogan “Expel the Tartars, Restore China to the Han” and founded the Xingzhonghui (Revive China Society). The Huaxinghui (China Revival Society) proposed the idea of “National Revival,” while the Guangfuhui (Recovery Society) called for the “Recovery of the Han Race.” Later, the Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist Party) promoted the Three Principles of the People: nationalism, democracy, and livelihood.

From these movements, it becomes clear that they all represented the Han Chinese people’s pursuit of a national revolution aimed at establishing a country where democracy and freedom were enjoyed by the populace.


From the Taiping Rebellion’s opposition to foreign rule, to the Tongmenghui’s emphasis on Han nationalism, and the development to the Republic of China government’s advocacy for a Five-Race Republic (Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui, Tibetan) and the promotion of ethnic integration, all the way to the present-day Chinese government in Beijing advocating national nationalism – while the content and claims have changed, they all emphasize Han Chinese identity. They all strive for national rejuvenation and justice, tirelessly advocating for the fundamental human rights outlined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”

Specifically, these rights include but are not limited to: freedom from slavery, torture, discrimination; protection against arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile; the right to a fair and public trial, presumption of innocence; freedom of movement, marriage, and religion; freedom of speech, participation in government, work, rest, social security, education, artistic expression, and protected creation.

Up to the present day, countless individuals, including Han Chinese, continue to tirelessly strive for these rights and freedoms.

漢人抗爭的現狀 Current Status of Han Chinese Resistance


After the aforementioned Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) essentially withdrew from China and failed to become the opposition party to the Chinese Communist Party, and ceased to advocate for the rights of the Han Chinese within China, the Chinese Communist Party seized power. During this period, there were internal purges and class struggles. After the initial three decades of challenges, the CCP underwent a transformation with the assistance of American intervention, leading to four decades of reform and opening up.

However, despite the economic development brought about by these reforms, the Communist Party rejected political system changes.


Over the past ten years of Xi Jinping’s tenure, political opponents have been purged, and regions like Tibet and Xinjiang have faced suppression. Civil society in Hong Kong has been shaken, while grassroots organizations and citizen initiatives in China have been suppressed. Dissidents have been expelled and arrested, and pervasive digital surveillance tools have been widely employed. This regime has transformed into an exemplar of authoritarianism and dictatorship, even surpassing the extreme scenarios envisioned by George Orwell: Dissidents are coerced into televised confessions, subjected to forced disappearances, and free expression is constrained and censored on digital platforms, with any dissenting speech easily blamed. People dare not voice grievances openly and instead resort to using symbols such as blank sheets of paper as a form of protest. Looking ahead, the Chinese Communist Party has effectively eliminated any meaningful opposition within China, allowing for the unimpeded implementation of even the most absurd policies. Within the CCP’s dominion, some Han Chinese express that opposing is no longer feasible, and instead, they resort to excessive praise, embracing an accelerationist approach and resigning themselves to comply with the authoritarian rule even abandon efforts and die with totalitarianism.

支持人權保護的意義 The significance of supporting human rights protection


The significance of human rights protection lies in ensuring that every individual enjoys dignity and equal rights, free from constraints based on factors such as race, color, language, religion, political beliefs, or nationality. Taiwan has been striving to gain respected and recognized opportunities on the international stage, despite facing exclusion from China and challenges in participating widely in international affairs.

Human rights activism is a transnational global endeavor aimed at promoting and safeguarding human rights. It not only focuses on enhancing the domestic level of human rights but also engages in international human rights activities to interact with other regions and address human rights situations worldwide. This aligns with the universal principles advocated by the United Nations and allows Taiwan to receive support from groups in other regions when facing unjust treatment.

By participating in human rights activities, Taiwan can demonstrate its commitment to universal values, drive progress in global human rights, and strive for greater legitimacy on the international stage.

台灣選民關心中國人權的意義 The significance of Taiwanese voters’ concern for human rights in China


The significance of Taiwanese voters’ concern for human rights in China lies in recognizing that in an authoritarian regime marked by a lack of freedom of speech, press, and association, people are deprived of the freedom to live without fear.



I understand, just like how many Taiwanese people in the 1980s were unfamiliar with Taiwanese social activists, news related to human rights in China is not widely known among the general public.

Mentioning the Qiandao Lake incident in the Republic of China’s 83rd year (1994) might seem distant to many young Taiwanese. This was an incident involving robbery, murder, and arson that occurred in China, and it was an event associated with a lack of respect for human rights that the Chinese government attempted to cover up.


Recent cases, such as the 2015 Causeway Bay Books incident, where Gui Minhai and Lam Wing-kee were separately apprehended by China and forcibly disappeared, stand as examples. Gui Minhai was even abducted by China in Thailand, involving cross-border law enforcement that violated Thailand’s sovereignty.


In 2017, the Chinese Communist government accused Taiwanese citizen Lee Ming-che of subverting state power and sentenced him to five years in prison. Last year, with the efforts and appeals of Lee Ming-che’s wife, Lee Ching-yu, he finally returned to Taiwan.


In 2019, Taiwanese citizen Lee Meng-chu disappeared after entering Shenzhen from Hong Kong. He had filmed scenes of China’s armed police forces gathering for training at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center. He was later sentenced to 22 months in prison by China. The Chinese Communist Party was concerned that his actions could influence the Taiwan elections six months later, and even demanded that he not return to Taiwan. Currently, he is in Japan.


In 2023, Taiwanese YouTuber Lia “a.k.a. Anxious Housewife” and Taiwan-based publisher  Fucha were successively detained by the Chinese government. Among them, Fucha has been unable to return to Taiwan up to this day.


I am not attempting to scare the people of Taiwan through these cases, but rather, I hope that the presidential candidates and voters in Taiwan can recognize that in an authoritarian regime lacking freedom of speech, press, and association, people cannot escape fear. My intention is to stimulate deep contemplation among the Taiwanese populace about the importance of human rights, and to manifest Taiwan’s pursuit and determination for freedom, rather than trying to create fear.


As a democratic nation, every vote from the Taiwanese electorate holds significant meaning, as it not only pertains to the development of their own country but also impacts the advancement of human rights globally. By caring about human rights issues in China, Taiwanese voters can have a voice on the international stage, making a positive contribution to advocating for freedom, equality, and dignity. This endeavor is not only for the progress of global human rights, but also serves the interests of Taiwan itself.

台灣人要不要關心中國的人權 Why Taiwanese people should care about human rights in China


When considering whether to care about human rights issues in China, we need to recognize that the Chinese government, represented by the Chinese Communist Party, has never relinquished its military threat against Taiwan. Therefore, China is not a friendly nation to Taiwan. For Taiwan, any force that can help counterbalance the authoritarian China should be regarded as a friend to Taiwan.


The true opponents and dissenters of the Chinese Communist Party are inevitably the Chinese people themselves. Those who initially resist tyranny are the ones closest to the CCP, individuals holding Chinese citizenship. There are always conscientious and courageous warriors like Qin Yongmin, Xu Zhiyong, Ding Jiaxi, and Peng Li-fa, willing to step forward and bravely advocate for freedom and democracy.


Considering the Chinese Communist Party’s past pledge to invade Taiwan, Taiwan should perhaps proactively focus on anticipating and familiarizing itself with genuinely exceptional human rights advocates from China. Identifying accomplished democratic activists and extending comprehensive care and encouragement to them, including sharing experiences in nonviolent resistance, could assist in helping them establish influence within Chinese society. This might encourage them to deter China from making absurd decisions and thereby foster confidence in democratic values among more ordinary Chinese citizens. Such efforts could not only play a significant role in diplomacy and defense but also align with the strategic principle of Sun Tzu’s Art of War, which emphasizes winning over minds before engaging in direct conflict.

查理·卓别林 《大独裁者》 演讲的内容:

I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor.


That’s not my business.


I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone.


I should like to help everyone if possible: Jew, gentile, black man, white.

我想帮助每个人: 犹太人,非犹太人,黑人,白人。

We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that.


We want to live by each other’s happiness, not by each other’s misery.


We don’t want to hate or despise one another.


In this world, there is room for everyone and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone.


联署方法:在本页留言; 联署格式:(名字,城市或地区,头衔)

  1. 佐拉,台湾花莲县,佐拉科技有限公司执行长
  2. 李昱憲,台灣嘉義市
  3. 簡上洋,台灣花蓮,退休人士,業餘農夫
  4. 張心威,新北市淡水區,上班族
  5. 蔡宜蓁,台南市,房地產投資理財顧問。
  6. 谭翼翔,泰国,人權工作者
https://www.zuola.com/weblog/2023/08/2525.htm/feed 3
美国苹果公司强迫香港用户使用中国腾讯维护的诈骗网站列表 https://www.zuola.com/weblog/2023/01/2519.htm https://www.zuola.com/weblog/2023/01/2519.htm#respond Sun, 01 Jan 2023 06:09:07 +0000 https://www.zuola.com/weblog/?p=2519 Continue Reading ...]]> 2019年,Apple公司在Safari浏览器引入中国腾讯的安全浏览,使用中国腾讯维护的诈骗网站域名列表,引起轩然大波。2022年底,Apple苹果改变政策,偷偷更新了针对香港用户的Safari浏览器的隐私政策,要把香港用户的浏览网站的数据传输给腾讯,让Safari的香港用户也使用来自中国腾讯的blocklist,导致香港用户访问 gitlab.com 也出现诈骗网站警告。

乌克兰的web开发流程代码托管平台网站 Gitlab 被中国的腾讯列入诈骗网站名单
乌克兰的web开发流程代码托管平台网站 Gitlab 被中国的腾讯列入诈骗网站名单

Apple 使用 Safari Fraudulent Website Warning(Safari 诈骗网站警告)标记已被识辨的诈骗网站。


Safe Browsing工作原理是,维护一个已知诈骗网站列表,列表里的URL的256位的hash值的前32位会生成一个数据库,所有用户会下载到浏览器里,Safari浏览器每次访问都会生成URL的hash值,前32位若匹配,就去GOOGLE或腾讯的API查询,API返回所有前32位匹配的不安全URL让浏览器去识别。当用户到访怀疑是诈骗网站的 URL 时对用户显示警告讯息。

Apple公司在2019年说,Safari 会从 Google或中国腾讯接收已识辨为诈骗网站的列表。Apple公司强调区域设定为中国大陆的设备将从腾讯接收诈骗网站列表。

Apple公司的2022 年 9 月 12 日的隐私声明法律文件《 Safari與隱私權 》https://www.apple.com/hk/legal/privacy/data/zh-hk/safari/ (时光机器网页存档 https://web.archive.org/web/20221127235632/https://www.apple.com/hk/legal/privacy/data/zh-hk/safari/ )中的“詐騙網站警告”这一章节提到:


Apple公司于2022 年 12 月 12 日 更新的隐私声明法律文件《 Safari與隱私權 》https://www.apple.com/tw/legal/privacy/data/zh-tw/safari/ 中的詐騙網站警告这一章节提到:


Apple公司隐私声明法律文件中多出了“或香港”三个字。而2019年的据科技新闻网站engadget的报道《Apple 正式回應 Safari 引入騰訊安全瀏覽一事》 https://chinese.engadget.com/chinese-2019-10-15-apple-safari-response.html  这篇报道说,僅有地區編碼設為中國的 iPhone 才會啟用Safari 引入騰訊安全瀏覽。

据媒体 https://qooah.com/2019/10/14/safari-send-ip-addresses-to-tencent/ 在2019年的报道,原本這項服務 Apple 只與 Google 合作,使用 Google 的資料庫作判斷。美國 Johns Hopkins 大學教授在2019年指出  https://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2019/10/13/dear-apple-safe-browsing-might-not-be-that-safe/ Apple 在沒有通知使用者的情況之下,偷偷加入了中國的騰訊公司。就是说, Safari 現在會把網站瀏覽資訊,除了交給原有的 Google Safe Browsing 來擋惡意網站外,還會交給中國的騰訊公司的 Tencent Safe Browsing。现在又注明会把香港用户的网站瀏覽資訊,交給中國的騰訊公司。


2019年,据香港互聯網協會副主席、前Apple公司员工朱家昌(Chu Ka-cheong ,A.K.A. Edwin Chu))说,「Google安全瀏覽」及「騰訊安全瀏覽」的API基本上一樣,兩者可以互通,使用兩項服務所交出的資訊相同。

2022年12月30日,朱家昌在Twitter公开表示,在使用Safari访问 www.gitlab.com 的时候被提示是诈骗网站,Gitlab是一个跟Github一样的基于git仓库的web开发流程代码托管平台,是一家乌克兰的企业。但被中国的腾讯公司认为Gitlab含有未经证实的消息,该网站发布了违反国家相关法律的的内容,已为你拦截。


2022年,苹果改变政策,让Safari的香港用户也使用了来自中国腾讯的blocklist,导致香港用户访问 gitlab.com 也出现诈骗网站警告。



Safari Fraudulent Website Warning的初衷本来应该是保护用户,是一个针对诈骗网站进行拦截的网络服务,被中国滥用,扩大屏蔽内容范围和使用者范围,苹果公司也有连带责任。中国腾讯把 gitlab.com 视为诈骗网站,可能是因为gitlab作为一家乌克兰公司,上面有大量乌克兰开发者,亲俄罗斯的中国政府担心中国和香港开发者同情遭遇俄罗斯入侵的乌克兰,所以将gitlab列入被审查名单,要求中国腾讯设法屏蔽gitlab。

乌克兰的web开发流程代码托管平台网站 Gitlab 被中国认为违反了中国的“相关法律”

我将上面的内容转发给香港自由亚洲的记者,我觉得香港用户的浏览数据“送中”,接受 Tencent Safe Browsing的内容审查,内容审查和防火长城借苹果公司的Safari浏览器延伸到香港,苹果公司完全配合中共的不公开“法律”,经济上和政治上完全被美国当中国看待,可视为进一步的香港沦陷,自由沦陷,民主沦陷。


关闭Mac上的Safari Safe Browsing
关闭iPhone上的 Safari Safe Browsing

BTW: 逻辑上来说,“危险-该网站含有未经证实的信息”这句话极为荒诞,既然“信息”会带来危险,就要让大家去证实,然后就有应对方案了嘛。另外,据我所知,信息的价值也在于不确定性,未经证实的信息更有价值。打个比方,我跟没有瞎的你说“太阳和月亮是圆的”,你不会认为这是有价值信息,会认为这是废话。

还有,据技术细节,Tencent Safe Browsing不会收集所有URL,但会知道使用者IP,因为总会有机会查询API。


https://www.zuola.com/weblog/2023/01/2519.htm/feed 0
国际组织“世界互联网大会”诞生,中国共产党与互联网气质不符 https://www.zuola.com/weblog/2022/07/2515.htm https://www.zuola.com/weblog/2022/07/2515.htm#respond Fri, 15 Jul 2022 23:54:13 +0000 https://www.zuola.com/weblog/?p=2515 Continue Reading ...]]> 世界互联网大会国际组织于2022年7月12日在北京成立,据说在中国注册,总部位于北京。据说这个组织的成立,旨在搭建全球互联网平台,推动数字化、网络化、智能化趋势,共迎安全挑战,共谋发展福祉,构建网络空间命运共同体。







https://www.zuola.com/weblog/2022/07/2515.htm/feed 0